Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Happy Anniversary with Sugar on Top

This past weekend Drew and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary with a little trip to Charleston where we spent most of our time enjoying the beach on Sullivan's Island. We speculated a lot on how our lives will be changing when the baby finally arrives and of course tried to brainstorm for the perfect name for our little bundle. Next month, on my stepdad Tommy's birthday we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  It's still so hard to believe that in about 6 months we will have a precious baby of our own to love. I can't help but feel so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing husband...and this baby feels like the sugar on top. Happy Anniversary Drew! I love you!                        

15 weeks

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Summer Solstice

Today is the summer solstice, also known as the longest day of the year. I went to a prenatal class at West Asheville Yoga.  There were about 20 pregnant women there in all different stages of their pregnancies.  It was a beautiful thing to see all the ladies and their pretty round bellies coming together to help strengthen and relax their bodies and minds. What better way to honor yourself and your baby. Namaste!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

14 weeks

Our 1st Ultrasound: 7 1/2 weeks


April 29, 2010 was an important day to me for many reasons.  It was the first day Drew and I were able to see our baby and that incredible image of his or her beating heart.  It also happened to be my Daddy's birthday who passed away in 2000.  I remember saying a little prayer and asking him to "pick us out a good one." I have all faith that he will because if you've ever met my beautiful nephew Vincent or ever were blessed with the opportunity to meet my sweet Daddy then you will know that somebody very special is watching over my sister Rachel and I.  

Drew, Chris and Vincent

Another thing I will always remember about the first time we saw our baby was Drew asking the doctor, "Are you sure there's just one in there?" I will say that we were slightly relieved when she said "Yes."  I know and have known many mothers of twins, including my amazing mother-in-law Shannon, my friends, Cara, Christina, Margo and mommy-to-be Julie, and of course my Nana and their are no greater goddesses on earth. And who knows what the future holds for me as a mother but I have to say, that being married to a twin classifies me as "a goddess" in my own right. ;) (Drew, you are the love of my life and I can't wait to share the most important gift life has to offer with you.  Chris, you are going to be an amazing uncle and even though you and Drew may be double trouble, more importantly, you are double the love.  This is going to be one lucky little baby. :)

Hello Bump!
7 1/2 weeks

Our First Official "Baby Blog"

As most of you know by now, Drew and I are expecting our first baby in mid-December. Words can't express our excitement. I don't expect this blog will go "viral" but I do hope it will be a nice way to keep our friends and family updated on the baby once he or she finally arrives.  Our due date is December 15th and we can hardly wait! We are already overwhelmed and so thankful for the amount of love, advice and support we are receiving from you all. (Christina and Julie thanks for inspiring me to start this blog. It is new territory but I think it will be a lot of fun. I am looking at it like a "new age baby book" if you will ;))