Monday, September 19, 2011

Third Trimester

28 Weeks: Third Trimester
This week is the 28th week of my pregnancy and our little boy is VERY active. His favorite times to do somersaults and karate are early in the morning, after lunch and when we are trying to relax in the evenings. He seems to react to music as well. We have our special time in the mornings on the car ride to work when I like to sing to him with the help of my ipod of course. I usually feel like my head is in the clouds which is better than being anxious. For example, I was grocery shopping the other day and a nice man asked me, "What are you having?" I happily responded, "Chilli." Thankfully everyone at work including the customers are very supportive of my constantly failing brain. My doctor calls it "placenta brain." Whatever, all I know is that every so often the pressure of having the house ready for our baby boy gets to me but mostly I am surprised at my overall sense of calm. As long our little boy is healthy, that's all that really matters. I have been continuing the prenatal yoga and absolutely love it. Being around other pregnant women definitely helps me feel more powerful and not alone in this adventure. My girlfriends have been amazing, to say the least and Drew is my hardworking, loving hero as always. I am feeling very blessed as we enter this third and final trimester and look forward to the days ahead with my family and friends in tow.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

23 weeks

We're Over Half Way There!

This week marks our 24th week in the pregnancy. Drew, Chris and I just got back from a fun-filled trip to Chicago where we saw lots of amazing art, caught a "Bears" game, ate tons of fattening food and thankfully got lots of exercise while walking around the city. "Baby Findley" is moving a lot these days and so are we trying to prepare for his arrival.  
"The Bean"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Happy Anniversary with Sugar on Top

This past weekend Drew and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary with a little trip to Charleston where we spent most of our time enjoying the beach on Sullivan's Island. We speculated a lot on how our lives will be changing when the baby finally arrives and of course tried to brainstorm for the perfect name for our little bundle. Next month, on my stepdad Tommy's birthday we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  It's still so hard to believe that in about 6 months we will have a precious baby of our own to love. I can't help but feel so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing husband...and this baby feels like the sugar on top. Happy Anniversary Drew! I love you!                        

15 weeks

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Summer Solstice

Today is the summer solstice, also known as the longest day of the year. I went to a prenatal class at West Asheville Yoga.  There were about 20 pregnant women there in all different stages of their pregnancies.  It was a beautiful thing to see all the ladies and their pretty round bellies coming together to help strengthen and relax their bodies and minds. What better way to honor yourself and your baby. Namaste!